Identifying Root Cause With the Help of Functional Labs
Functional labs such as stool, hair, blood and urine panels are a large part of root cause medicine because they identify internal stressors in the body including but not limited to nutrient deficiencies, toxins, infections, inflammation and more. I often extend my lab work to include tests like the Organic Acids Test, Mycotox Profile and DUTCH. If you would like to order one of these tests, please contact me at
I offer several options for gut testing as well as Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, all of which are available to see under the ‘Services’ tab.
My mission is to positively influence as many people’s health as possible. I realized after some time working in the health industry that not everyone can afford 1:1 work with me, where I am essentially at your beck and call, one text away bestie, and that not everyone needs this level of support. Many are just fine DIYing with a little expert assistance. For this reason, I have created several signature programs to choose from, as I believe improving your life is not dependent on how much money you spend, but how committed you are.
Please keep in mind that although my DIY protocols are available to everyone, they are not suitable for everyone. In the past, I have hesitated to create this type of program because I know consistency toward aligned action and compliance decreases when there is less guidance available.
What this means, is that not everyone who enrolls into a DIY protocol such as the Root Cause Consult, HTMA, GI MAP, and Signature DIY, will succeed in reaching their health goals. Many will either fail due to adherence, simplicity, availability, determination, motivation, and the capacity to tackle challenges. As a coach, my expertise lies in navigating these hurdles effectively.
If you find yourself in this position, struggling to make progress, you likely need more guidance, clearer direction and a tailored roadmap to wellness. I kindly ask that you recognize that the protocol is not failing you, but that overcoming health challenges often involves revisiting, tweaking, and restarting your approach, a process that may need to be repeated several times. Sometimes adjustments are made weekly or multiple times per week. It all depends on the person & their particular circumstance. If you feel inclined to dismiss the protocol because it hasn’t worked for you, remember this and recognize that not every case of health issues is easily resolved in a DIY course.
You may book a strategy session with me at any time throughout any of these DIY protocols. Additionally, you may enroll into my Immersive Signature Program (1:1 coaching) within a certain period of enrolling into the DIY protocol and receive a reimbursement for your current enrollment (Root Cause Consult, 30 days | HTMA, bronze 30 days | HTMA, silver, 60 days | HTMA, gold, 90 days | DIY Signature, 60 days | GI MAP, 60 days).
Do you believe you’ve been affected by mold? It’s estimated that 80% of buildings are impacted by harmful molds that may be contributing to your health issues! See the types of symptoms you may experience due to mold. You can read more about my own mold journey in this blog post.
I never skip a mycotoxin test with any client who has chronic gut issues because it’s a huge missing piece and will absolutely prevent you from getting well. The reason testing for mycotoxins is so imperative is that various types of mycotoxins produced from molds require different binders & detox protocols. I use a urine test from Mosaic Diagnostic’s Laboratory. You can order it here. Once your results come in, we will have a 30 minute consult for a detox protocol.
It is imperative to remove yourself from the moldy environment and / or to remove the mold (if applicable). I recommend a nationwide company called Pure Maintenance (the same one I used) for remediation— and this one won’t charge an arm and a leg like many companies. Can you believe the first company I called for remediation wanted $5000 for the inspection ALONE— no remediation included. This company was very thorough, supportive and empathetic to my health issues.
The GI-MAP (Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus) test is a crucial tool in my practice for several reasons. This comprehensive stool test provides a detailed look into the microbiome, the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract. Click “learn more” to discover how the GI-MAP assist my client work. I am currently offering this service to those who are not a client of mine. You may choose a 60-minute or a 90-minute consult. I recommend a 90-minute consult for those who know little to nothing about the digestive system and proper dietary guidelines. For these better versed in these topics, the 60-minute shall suffice. If you are a return client, you may also order just the H. Pylori assay rather than the entire GI MAP.
Using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), an inexpensive and non-invasive testing option, I can understand both your mineral status, and perhaps more importantly, its BALANCE. This test also gives a reading for heavy metals, digestion, metabolism, thyroid & adrenal health and much more. HTMA helps us understand metabolic and glandular patterns and dysfunction that underlie all health conditions, which is why it’s a great place to begin if you don’t know where to start. Click “learn more” to see how the HTMA can assist my client work & why retesting is recommended. Choose from 3 options below. Follow up tests are recommended. These tests are offered to those who are not clients of mine. Please fill out this intake form prior to our call.